Posts Tagged ‘mri’


Houston in October

I just returned from another trip to Houston. I arrived Wednesday night at midnight to the steamiest, nastiest humidity to date, and stayed through what turned out to be some incredibly beautiful weather before leaving on Saturday. It was partly a routine visit — the usual MRI and neuro-oncologist visit — but also had some [...]


Houston in August

Sorry for keeping you all in the dark the last few weeks. It’s easy to fall back into normal life. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I want to keep you up to speed on the latest news. I flew to Houston on Thursday night feeling a bit weird, as it was the first [...]


Some Good News

Today was my monthly MRI and neuro-oncologist appointment. I think I’d almost forgotten about it in the days leading up to it. We had said goodbye to Delmar, I caught up with family, I was busy with work. All of these things kept my mind off my appointment, until suddenly I woke up this morning [...]


New Meds

Sorry for the delay in updating everyone. I was unable to find the disc that had my site files located on it. So I had to spend a few hours today rebuilding some of it and now I can finally let you all know the results. First, the MRI. I went in last Thursday to [...]


Finally… A Game Plan

Today was a bit of a zoo. It was a frenzy of appointments, waiting for more appointments, meeting new doctors, genetics specialists, and nurses. But it’s finally done, and we finally have a game plan. I first met with Dr. Slopis, who is a neurologist. He gave yet another exam on hearing, vision, etc., then [...]