Comments on: Still a Bit Sore Casey Quinn's story about surviving cancer Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:13:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: "Chicago kiddo" "Chicago kiddo" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-208 "Case - Good to know that you are home, for a bit anyways and able to see people. Always glad when you update the site, cause I know you are well. You're always in my thoughts and prayers. Safe and speedy travels to/from Houston. - Lots of love, Aaron/AJ" “Case – Good to know that you are home, for a bit anyways and able to see people. Always glad when you update the site, cause I know you are well. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers. Safe and speedy travels to/from Houston. – Lots of love, Aaron/AJ”

By: "Laura B." "Laura B." Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-209 "You look so cute riding the cart!!! (Just don't run anyone over when you drive those things!!) We love hearing how things are going....hope all your tests go well this weekend...thinking of you,~L" “You look so cute riding the cart!!! (Just don’t run anyone over when you drive those things!!) We love hearing how things are going….hope all your tests go well this weekend…thinking of you,~L”

By: "Cousin Jane" "Cousin Jane" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-210 "Casey -- you are amazing! I can see that some of Great Grandma Minnie's spunk, determination and humor have been passed down to you. (There's lots of that going around, just ask your Aunt Janet!!) The Henrich cousins from Iowa continue to follow your progress and pray for you. Please give our best to your Mom and Dad and know that we are praying for all of you!" “Casey — you are amazing! I can see that some of Great Grandma Minnie’s spunk, determination and humor have been passed down to you. (There’s lots of that going around, just ask your Aunt Janet!!)

The Henrich cousins from Iowa continue to follow your progress and pray for you. Please give our best to your Mom and Dad and know that we are praying for all of you!”

By: "Patty H." "Patty H." Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-211 "Casey - You are in my thoughts and prayers always and often in my conversations with mutual friends. You have a lot of fans!! Glad to see you taking advantage of alternative forms of transportation - totally agree with the ""cute on the cart"" comment above! Safe travels to Houston. Patty" “Casey – You are in my thoughts and prayers always and often in my conversations with mutual friends. You have a lot of fans!! Glad to see you taking advantage of alternative forms of transportation – totally agree with the “”cute on the cart”" comment above! Safe travels to Houston. Patty”

By: "Kari B." "Kari B." Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-212 "Hey Casey-I do hope that was a Target Store you were in.....hee..hee :) Thanks for the nice e-mail earlier today and from my e-mail back to you, everything I aske dpretty much was in this update, except for an answer on my invitation for a walk around the lakes when you are up to it. It is an open invitation and when you get back from Houston, I'll be on you for it. Much love & prayers, Kari" “Hey Casey-I do hope that was a Target Store you were in…..hee..hee :) Thanks for the nice e-mail earlier today and from my e-mail back to you, everything I aske dpretty much was in this update, except for an answer on my invitation for a walk around the lakes when you are up to it. It is an open invitation and when you get back from Houston, I’ll be on you for it.

Much love & prayers,

By: "Richard and Craig" "Richard and Craig" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-213 "Casey, It was great to run into you last night. You look great and continue to amaze us. We admire your strength and positive attitude through all of the stuff you've gone through. It really gave us pause, as right before we walked in we were bitching about all the little crap going on in our lives. You are a great inspiration to keep the whole world and what really matters in perspective. Looking forward to sharing that bottle of wine (or 2) with you. Love Richard and Craig" “Casey,
It was great to run into you last night. You look great and continue to amaze us. We admire your strength and positive attitude through all of the stuff you’ve gone through. It really gave us pause, as right before we walked in we were bitching about all the little crap going on in our lives. You are a great inspiration to keep the whole world and what really matters in perspective. Looking forward to sharing that bottle of wine (or 2) with you.
Richard and Craig”

By: "Nikki" "Nikki" Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 #comment-214 "Casey - The cart looks fun! I'm glad you've been able to spend some time in Minnesota! Love ya! Hugs and prayers - Nikki (Matt's sis)" “Casey -

The cart looks fun! I’m glad you’ve been able to spend some time in Minnesota!

Love ya!

Hugs and prayers -

Nikki (Matt’s sis)”
